Workshop & Lecture Topics
Have Ginger Lead a Workshop!
At Blossom Ayurveda & Yoga, Ginger's mission is to serve the community with her expanded knowledge of Ayurvedic science and medicine—and she brings it right to YOU! Interested in having Ginger speak to your group, team or organization? Take a look at all the different topics Ginger can speak to:
Exploring the Yamas and Niyamas
Yoga inspires us to live a happy and peaceful life. For those of us juggling the responsibilities of work and family, however, this is easier said than done. Get off the mat and into your life with a two-hour, introductory workshop exploring the yamas and niyamas. Like a toolbox, the yamas and niyamas are practical guidelines that teach us how to live our lives with balance, acceptance, dedication, love, happiness, truth, wisdom, integrity, generosity and freedom. Through applied meditation and self-reflection exercises, we will discuss how these tools can support us at work, with family or friends, and in each moment. With a heartfelt practice of the yamas and niyamas, our experience of peace and happiness doesn’t have to end with Savasana. This workshop is an invitation to delve deeper into the vibrant journey of your yoga practice and your life.
Awaken the Breath of Life
Pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force. Mindful breathing—paying attention to your breath and learning how to manipulate it—is one of the most effective ways to lower everyday stress levels and improve a variety of health factors ranging from mood to metabolism. Join Ginger as she guides you through various breathing practices such as alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), skull shining breath (Kapalabhati), victorious breath (Ujjayi), 3 part breath (Dirgha) and deep yogic breath. These practices will both relax and energize the body! No prior pranayama experience needed, all are welcome to attend!
Candle-lit Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is the yoga of ‘conscious sleep’, and emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga. It's a type of guided meditation designed to bring you to a place of natural peace and quiet, that's very healing for the body and mind, and nourishing for the spirit and soul. Since the intention of restorative yoga is to invite the body and mind to a deep state of rest, the combination of restorative yoga along with yoga nidra can bring us back into balance.
This class will end in a comfortable supported supine position where you'll be able to close your eyes and listen to a relaxing guided meditation to help you sink into a deep state of rest that will completely soothe your nervous system and leave you feeling refreshed.
Wear loose, cozy clothing and feel free to bring an eye cover, crystals, or anything else to help you relax and enjoy.
New Year Meditation and Restorative Yoga
This is the perfect workshop for you after a busy holiday season! You will start the evening in a short meditation to set your New Year's intentions or sankalpa. In the yoga tradition, these sankalpas are not resolutions but are intentions to live our life in a way that better serves us by adding more joy, creativity and love to it rather than taking something away as many "resolutions" do. After some gentle yoga movements you will settle in to restorative yoga poses to deeply rest, quiet the body and mind and allow your intentions to fully manifest within you.
Restorative Yoga for Better Sleep
This exclusive workshop includes a thoughtfully prepared sequence of nourishing restorative yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation techniques designed to quiet the mind and soften the body, preparing you for a restful night of sleep.
Join Ginger in supported yoga poses using blankets (lots and lots), bolsters and eye pillows to fully surrender the body, letting go of the tension of the day and drifting into a deep state of relaxation. This special restorative practice will also include a Yoga Nidra (sleep) meditation at the end. You'll also learn some simple pose setups to use at home on those nights that sleep doesn't come easy. This is the perfect class right before the holiday busyness!
Stoking your Digestive Fire
A "Make & Take" Workshop of Digestive Spice Blends
Join Ginger Solomon, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, to "make and take" with you 2 Digestive Spice blends to improve your appetite and digestion. You will learn how to make CCF Tea (Cumin, Coriander, Fennel), a sure fire way to stoke your appetite, the indications for using it and correct dosage. You will also make an After-Meal Chewing Spice mix for post-meal help to improve digestion, reduce dessert cravings, and settle gas and acidity in the stomach. All spices included, recipes provided, plus hands on making!
In this workshop, you will also learn more about your GI system, some mindful ideas around eating for better digestion, and a helpful restorative pose (vamakukshi) to aid in digestion after meals.
The Business of Teaching Yoga
After more than 20 years of growing up in the “dog-eat-dog” pharmaceutical world, selling and marketing medications to physicians and patients, Ginger will share with you her unique view of the emerging business world of yoga and how teachers can better prepare themselves for it. The 2016 Yoga in America Study, by Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal reported that “34% of Americans, or 80 million people, say they are likely to try yoga for the first time over the next 12 months (in 2016!!)." More well educated and business savvy teachers will be needed to teach all those new students. According to the survey, “there are 2 people interested in becoming yoga teachers for every current yoga teacher”. That’s a lot of new yoga teachers! In this workshop you will learn how to differentiate and distinguish yourself as a highly qualified yoga teacher in your community. Please share and invite any other yoga teachers, teachers in training or anyone interested in becoming a yoga teacher!
Ginger is an E-RYT 200 and Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider (YACEP). She completed her RYT 200 training at Yogasphere in 2012 and founded Blossom Yoga that same year. Ginger also has a Master's Degree from PSU in Anatomy & Physiology and started her career as a pharmaceutical research scientist. She transitioned into sales and marketing in pharma for 18 years. After leaving pharma in 2007, she and her husband built a diagnostic sleep center in Newtown, PA where she was the director of operations and marketing. Yoga always provided the calming presence in her life; she now teaches and lovingly dedicates herself to Blossom Yoga full time!
Yoga Anatomy Lectures for Teachers (or modified for Students): Hips/Knees, Neck/Shoulders and Spine/Abdominals
Join Ginger Solomon for one, two or all three anatomy workshops. These workshops are designed to refresh the Yoga Teacher's knowledge of the bones and muscles associated with these specific areas of the body. As you practice the common yoga poses, Ginger will review with you the bones and muscles needed to express the asana. A full life size skeleton and “muscles” will help you reconstruct the human anatomy so that you can teach and practice with more confidence and clarity. You will retain what you learn as you examine the key anatomical landmarks of the human body. You won’t just sit there and take notes, you will learn how to directly apply this essential information to your practice and teachings. 2 Yoga Alliance CEC’s will be given for each workshop along with a certificate of attendance.
Ginger has a Master’s Degree in Anatomy & Physiology from The Pennsylvania State University where she taught Basic Anatomy from 1987-1989 as a Graduate student. After 2 years as a research scientist at Bristol Myers Squibb in the Dept. of Pharmacology, she had a career for over 18 years in Pharmaceutical Sales with Pfizer Inc. Her love of the science of movement eventually led her to become a yoga teacher in 2012 to further study the body in action through the art of yoga. Ginger is also a Yoga Alliance Certified Educational Provider (YACEP) and is honored to share this training with her fellow yoga teachers and teachers in training!
How to Make Kitchari
Come learn the ancient Ayurvedic secret to a healthy digestive tract, Kitchari, an Indian comfort food! Watch as local Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Ginger Solomon, prepares this simple dish made of protein-rich yellow mung beans and carbohydrate-rich basmati rice along with spices and ghee. This nourishing age old recipe, which is easy to digest, is used to cleanse and heal the body, just like chicken soup in the west. Kitchari is often used as a mono-nutrient fast, giving our digestive systems a much-needed break from having to digest all different kinds of food day in and day out. It also provides detoxification and de-aging of the cells. Ginger will bring all the ingredients needed, demonstrate how to make a vegetable Kitchari and lead you in a simple mantra as she prepares your meal. Once made, you will sample the delicious finished product, receive a copy of the recipe and learn more about the history of Kitchari.
Abhyanga Oil Massage & DIY Hydrating Facial Mask Making
Treat wintry, dry, flaky rough skin by learning how to do a luxurious herb infused self-oil massage called Abhyanga. In this workshop Ginger Solomon will teach you how to apply the oil, massage the joints and limbs properly, then relax in supported restorative yoga poses to allow the oil to soak into the skin...deeply nourishing and feeding your skin's microbiome. You will also make your own Ayurvedic Facial Mask to take home that evening and apply to finish completely restoring and nourishing your largest organ, the skin!
Bring 2 large old bath or beach towels (ones you won't mind getting oil on), wear clothing that exposes your arms and legs and get ready to relax! 45 min self-massage followed by DIY Facial Mask Making and then restorative yoga poses. You will slip and slide your way home for a nice warm-hot shower afterwards and then drift off into sleepy land for a deeply restorative night of rest. Oils and mask ingredients provided.
Intro to Ayurveda: A Self-Healing Journey
Come learn the basics of this 5,000 year old traditional system of medicine from India. Join Ginger Solomon, a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, as she serves up lunch of a healing rice/split yellow mung bean, a dish called Kitchari- perfect to reset your digestion for Fall, and then takes you on a journey of discovering the roots of Ayurveda, learning your unique doshic makeup, and how an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle can offer you longevity, happiness and a sustained balance of the mind, body and soul.
Fall Rest and Reset of your Digestive System
Do you experience gas, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, diarrhea, nausea or a heavy feeling in the stomach after eating? This could mean that your digestive system is not working to the best of its ability! Join Ginger Solomon, in-studio, to learn ancient Ayurvedic mindful eating and food practices and how they can help you reduce some of the discomforts you are feeling in the body. At this workshop you’ll enjoy a lunch of her homemade Kitchari, a rice/split yellow mung bean mixture that's easy to digest and able to help cleanse your GI tract-just in time for the switch to Fall foods. She'll also serve a post-digestive tea and an immune boosting dessert (all recipes included). Come gain Ayurvedic insights in to how you can improve your digestion after a fun-filled summer of (not so friendly to the GI tract) foods and beverages.
Ayurveda, defined as the “science of life”, is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world. It offers simple, practical tools for improving digestion, overall health and sense of wellbeing. Ginger is a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor (CAHC) who recently passed the National Ayurvedic Medical Association’s (NAMA) board exam, making her the only CAHC in Bucks County. As a counselor, Ginger can provide you with information on the Ayurvedic approach to health promotion and disease prevention through diet and lifestyle modifications. To learn more about common imbalances, how a CAHC can help you, or to schedule a private counseling session, visit Ginger’s website at https://blossom-yoga.net/ayurvedic-health-counseling.
Spring Rest and Reset of your Digestive System
After Winter's heavy qualities, now is the time to lighten up your diet and flush out the sluggishness of Winter. A true "Ayurvedic cleanse" means eating simple, easy to digest foods to help your GI system rest & reset from Winter's denser foods and get ready for Spring foods. Join Ginger Solomon, certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, at this workshop to sample and learn how to make Ayurveda's signature cleansing meal, Kitchari, a rice/mung bean mixture. You'll take home enough ingredients and the recipe to make Kitchari for your own at home cleanse this Spring! PLUS you'll receive samples of CCF Tea to get your sluggish digestive fire stoked this season! Register today!
Ayurveda is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world (from India), which offers simple, practical tools for improving everyone's digestion, overall health and sense of wellbeing. Ginger is a NAMA board certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor who is currently studying at the Boston School of Ayurveda to become an Ayurvedic Practitioner (Aug. 2024). She offers private Ayurvedic consultations at Blossom Yoga upon request. Reach out to her at gingersolomon@aol.com or 215.416.3252 or visit her webpage at https://blossom-yoga.net/ayurvedic-health-counseling to see if a counseling session is right for you!
Stoking your Digestive Fire
A "Make & Take" Workshop of Digestive Spice Blends
Join Ginger Solomon, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, to "make and take" with you 2 Digestive Spice blends to improve your appetite and digestion. You will learn how to make CCF Tea (Cumin, Coriander, Fennel), a sure fire way to stoke your appetite, the indications for using it and correct dosage. You will also make an After-Meal Chewing Spice mix for post-meal help to improve digestion, reduce dessert cravings, and settle gas and acidity in the stomach. All spices included, recipes provided, plus hands on making!
In this workshop, you will also learn more about your GI system, some mindful ideas around eating for better digestion, and a helpful restorative pose (vamakukshi) to aid in digestion after meals.
The Ayurvedic Way of Eating in Spring
Join Ginger for a lunch of Vegan Asparagus-Bean soup, sourdough bread, Ginger Digestive Tea and a sweet treat! You will learn more about the How and When to eat for better digestion, plus the What to Eat this Spring for your unique doshic combination of attributes. Ayurveda is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world which offers simple, practical tools for improving digestion, settling the mind and creating more balance in your life.
In this workshop you will also learn more about mindful eating, the How of food combining, what not to eat and some simple Ayurvedic self-care tips for Spring. Can't make it that day, register and receive a video recording of her talk.
Ginger Solomon completed her Ayurvedic Health Counseling training in May of 2022 from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda and is certified by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) to provide diet and lifestyle health recommendations within the Ayurvedic counselor scope of practice. Reach out to Ginger at 215.416.3252 or email gingersolomon@aol.com to set up a FREE 15 min discovery phone call. More info on Ginger can be found on Blossom Yoga's website.
Health & Wellness
Fall Rest and Reset of your Digestive System
Do you experience gas, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, diarrhea, nausea or a heavy feeling in the stomach after eating? This could mean that your digestive system is not working to the best of its ability! Join Ginger Solomon, in-studio, to learn ancient Ayurvedic mindful eating and food practices and how they can help you reduce some of the discomforts you are feeling in the body. At this workshop you’ll enjoy a lunch of her homemade Kitchari, a rice/split yellow mung bean mixture that's easy to digest and able to help cleanse your GI tract-just in time for the switch to Fall foods. She'll also serve a post-digestive tea and an immune boosting dessert (all recipes included). Come gain Ayurvedic insights in to how you can improve your digestion after a fun-filled summer of (not so friendly to the GI tract) foods and beverages.
Ayurveda, defined as the “science of life”, is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world. It offers simple, practical tools for improving digestion, overall health and sense of wellbeing. Ginger is a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor (CAHC) who recently passed the National Ayurvedic Medical Association’s (NAMA) board exam, making her the only CAHC in Bucks County. As a counselor, Ginger can provide you with information on the Ayurvedic approach to health promotion and disease prevention through diet and lifestyle modifications. To learn more about common imbalances, how a CAHC can help you, or to schedule a private counseling session, visit Ginger’s website at https://blossom-yoga.net/ayurvedic-health-counseling.
Spring Rest and Reset of your Digestive System
After Winter's heavy qualities, now is the time to lighten up your diet and flush out the sluggishness of Winter. A true "Ayurvedic cleanse" means eating simple, easy to digest foods to help your GI system rest & reset from Winter's denser foods and get ready for Spring foods. Join Ginger Solomon, certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, at this workshop to sample and learn how to make Ayurveda's signature cleansing meal, Kitchari, a rice/mung bean mixture. You'll take home enough ingredients and the recipe to make Kitchari for your own at home cleanse this Spring! PLUS you'll receive samples of CCF Tea to get your sluggish digestive fire stoked this season! Register today!
Ayurveda is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world (from India), which offers simple, practical tools for improving everyone's digestion, overall health and sense of wellbeing. Ginger is a NAMA board certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor who is currently studying at the Boston School of Ayurveda to become an Ayurvedic Practitioner (Aug. 2024). She offers private Ayurvedic consultations at Blossom Yoga upon request. Reach out to her at gingersolomon@aol.com or 215.416.3252 or visit her webpage at https://blossom-yoga.net/ayurvedic-health-counseling to see if a counseling session is right for you!
The Ayurvedic Way of Eating in Spring
Join Ginger for a lunch of Vegan Asparagus-Bean soup, sourdough bread, Ginger Digestive Tea and a sweet treat! You will learn more about the How and When to eat for better digestion, plus the What to Eat this Spring for your unique doshic combination of attributes. Ayurveda is the oldest, most continuously practiced system of healthcare in the world which offers simple, practical tools for improving digestion, settling the mind and creating more balance in your life.
In this workshop you will also learn more about mindful eating, the How of food combining, what not to eat and some simple Ayurvedic self-care tips for Spring. Can't make it that day, register and receive a video recording of her talk.
Ginger Solomon completed her Ayurvedic Health Counseling training in May of 2022 from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda and is certified by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) to provide diet and lifestyle health recommendations within the Ayurvedic counselor scope of practice. Reach out to Ginger at 215.416.3252 or email gingersolomon@aol.com to set up a FREE 15 min discovery phone call. More info on Ginger can be found on Blossom Yoga's website.
“I have issues with inflammation, digestion and fatigue so when Ginger introduced me to the Ayurvedic concepts and how I could benefit from this diet and lifestyle I jumped at it! It has truly made a difference in how I perceive and practice my food intake and lifestyle choices. Ayurvedic principles and practice can offer an excellent compliment to your yoga routine. Highly recommend!”
Deb C.